Work is underway to extend the Blackpool Tram line from Blackpool North Train Station to North and South Shore. Blackpool council have said that there is a multi million pound investment underway to improve travel from Blackpool train station, which will connect the tram way to North and South shore from Blackpool North, making it even easier for visitors to get to their destination. Blackpool council are yet to give definitive date for the works to be completed as Wilkinsons on Talbot Road next to the train station still needs to be demolished. A multi million pound investment has been made to improve an under pass from Blackpool North Train Station to the new tram stops which will make a smooth transition for travellers from the train station. Work on the promenade is near completion and due to reopen to the public later this week. To keep up dated on whats happening in Blackpool, please follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thebeachcliffe/